There once was a guy whose name was Rob. Rob was a dj and liked to play a bunch of cds. Rob's hairy friend, Mike, also had many cds. (Not quite as many, but enough to make a cd list page.) One day, Mike asked Rob if he could get him a Star Wars Mace Windu stand up thingamajig from his radio station. This is when things got really messed up. A few days later, while Matthew was eating an ever so delicious Chick-Fil-A sandwich, a Priority Mail guy came up to the door with a slightly large cardboard box. Matthew, very much dismayed, opened the box to find a Mace Windu stand up! Oh no! Rob, the loyal TMBG fan that he was, had accidentally mailed the star wars paraphernalia to Matt! That same night, after Mike had returned from a Kool and the Gang concert, he recieved an instant message from a very happy aol member. Who was that you may ask? You know who. In the end, all was resolved and no one was harmed beyond the loss of bodily fluids. Not even Isaac Hayes.

- p.s. This is not a true story. In fact, it's just a clever way to display one's links. Who's the man, now? :)

My band!


(created by Alex Gershon)